Radio Silence (2016)
Public Installation.
Collaboration with Mario El Khoury, Karen Madi, Zeina Bekhaazi, Souha BouMatar.
Location: Horsh Beirut, Lebanon
Public Installation.
Collaboration with Mario El Khoury, Karen Madi, Zeina Bekhaazi, Souha BouMatar.
Location: Horsh Beirut, Lebanon
The Pine forest of Horsh Beirut is the largest public green space in the capital. For more
than 20 years following the civil war, the park was inaccessible to locals. Till today, closed
entry gates around the park separate the green area of the forest from a lesser preserved
playground. Our fixture of the see-saw on the locked gate is our act of opposition to the
privileging of certain groups in the access to public space.